E-TECH EUROPE 2025 Agenda
Wednesday, 16 APRIL 2025
constantly updated
Sala paCINOTTI hall
Conference room
hall 21
9:30 – 11:00
La componentistica automotive italiana di fronte ai cambi di paradigma
Modera: TBD
Lo stato della componentistica automotive italiana
Intervento a cura di ANFIA
Gli investimenti automotive in Italia
Giuseppe Giulio Calabrese, Responsabile scientifico, Osservatorio TEA (Center for Automotive & Mobility Innovation dell’Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia e CNR-IRCrES)
Gli investimenti nei settori di frontiera: digitale, materiali, sicurezza
Piersandro Trevisan, Development Advisor, Cluster Lombardo della Mobilità
Ricarica Flash di autobus
Fernando Ortenzi, ENEA
Altri interventi in via di definizione
11:15 – 13:15
Automotive Glass Forum
Modera: Nick Fouchè
Luca Bruni, Group Industry Manager Automotive Glass, Marposs
Massimiliano Iocco, CEO, Iocco
Alessandro Amadeo, Operations Director, Meccanica H7
Barbara Mazza, Cugher
Agamemnon Varonos, CEO, Panorasis AG
14:30 – 16:00
Le batterie al sodio-ione: un’opportunità per l’Italia e per l’Europa?
Modera e introduce: Omar Perego, RSE*
Materiali anodici avanzati per le batterie al sodio
Intervento a cura di Università degli Studi, Milano Bicocca
Anodi avanzati per batterie ione sodio
Giorgia Greco, ENEA
Elettroliti avanzati: polimeri, liquidi ionici, ceramici e loro ibridi
Claudio Gerbaldi, Docente, Politecnico di Torino*
Sviluppo di materiali catodici NASICON per batterie sodio-ione
Concetta Busacca, Ricercatrice, CNR
Intervento a cura di FZSoNick**
Upscaling the synthesis of sodium-ion material
Ronnie Mogensen, CTO, Altris*
Towards a 5 GW factory for sodium-ion batteries
Jean-Marie Tarascon, CEO, Tiamat*
The cathode material for batteries of the future: Sodium manganese oxide (NMO)
Speech by IBUvolt Battery Materials*
Sala Georg Simon Ohm hall
Conference room
hall 21
9:30 – 10:45
Automazione e test nella produzione di pacchi batterie
Modera: TBA
Printed Sensors: The Key to Maintaining EV Residual Value
Bart Jarkiewicz, Flexoo
Titolo TBA
Simone Mattio, Industry Management Team Leader SEW-EURODRIVE Italia
Battery Testing Solutions for Module & Pack
Yutaro Okada, Battery Testing – Project Manager, Marposs
Title TBA
Speech by Meech
Intervento a cura di ENEA (TBC)
10:50 – 11:30
E-Powertrain Simulation with Ansys Tools (workshop a cura di Ansys Italia)
Speaker: Antea Perrotta, Senior Application Engineer EMI/EMC
The world of power electronics is transitioning from silicon to wide-bandgap semiconductors such as silicon carbide (SiC) and gallium nitride (GaN) due to their superior performance in automotive and industrial applications. GaN and SiC enable smaller, faster, and more efficient design, but produce high level electromagnetic interference (EMI) which generates conducted and radiated emissions. The noise on the battery and motor cables or busbars can radiate and disturb the control units and antenna placed on the vehicle, in addition internal couplings can be dangerous for functional behavior of the complete E-Powertrain system. This tutorial presents a complete simulation approach, formulated to be optimal in terms of accuracy and speed for each inverter main component. The virtual simulation approach is proposed at the design stage of each component, and at system level in the final validation and homologation to save time for EMI testing; the Common Mode Chokes (CMC) and EMI filters design is helping EMC engineers to get lower emissions.
11:35 – 13:00
Robotaxi e auto autonoma, le prospettive europee
Modera: TBA
Intervento a cura del Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti*
Titolo TBA
Andrea Vaccaro, Field Safety Manager, Waymo*
Titolo TBA
Luigi Mazzola, CTO & Co-Founder, Social Self Driving*
Titolo TBA
Anthony Levandosky, Founder and CEO, Pronto*
Sustainability in Automotive – The next big step towards green mobility
Thomas Schwarzkopf, Project Management & Quote, Continental Engineering
Il programma TOC
Andrea Strippoli, CEO e fondatore, TO MOVE
Titolo TBA
Matteo Barale, TecnoCAD
Progetti su auto autonoma nel quadro del MOST
Gianmarco Montanari, AD, MOST
Tavola rotonda con i partecipanti in presenza e con
Mauro Ferri, presidente, ANITraV*
14:30 – 16:00
Componenti avanzati per veicoli elettrici e ibridi
Modera: TBC
How integrating In-wheel motors into vehicle platforms creates better EVs by removing architectural restraints
Peter Rochester, Senior Project Engineer, Protean Electric
Supercondensatori modellabili per applicazioni automotive
Matteo Bertocchi, CEO, Novac*
EV driving functions in future E/E architectures
Neil Cheesman, Head of Business Development, Driveline & Electrification and Motorsport, Continental Engineering
Brahim Lakhdhar, Chief Engineer Segment Interior, Continental Engineering
Interventi di Motor Valley Accelerator
Altri interventi in corso di definizione