Bieffe Project srl was born in Modena in 2002 thanks to the innovative vision and passion for engineering of its administrator and founder Mr. Franco Bonavigo.
7 April 2022
Video interview with Roberto Santinelli, Head of Virtual Simulation of Bieffe Project | E-Tech
20 April 2022Graphene-XT will also exhibit at E-METALS/E-TECH EUROPE 2022
Graphene-XT uses graphene for several applications: lubricants, coatings, paints, membranes, sensors, composites, inks providing new and advanced functionalities to conventional products improving their structural, mechanical, thermal and electrical properties.
Thanks to its hexagonal structure, graphene has exceptional lubricating properties, thus a new family of products is lunched: synthetic additives for combustion engine (increase power by reducing friction and noise, improves heat dissipation), additives for metal working, lubricants for bike and ballistic sectors, solid lubricants.
Graphene-XT strictly collaborates with its customers to identify tailor-made solutions through a multifunctional approach.