Alsiter, Reference player for system integration in the industrial plant automation and electrification business, with an international profile
23 February 2022
Powermisure srl, since 1996 measurement abd control for professional instrumentation
24 February 2022Bieffe project press release:
Mr. Franco Bonavigo, owner of Bieffe Project Srl, is proud to announce that its company will share the stand in E-Tech Europe Event on 12/13 April 2022 with Automobili Estrema and their Fulminea Hypercar.
The Estrema Fulminea will be the first street legal hypercar to be equipped with an innovative Hybrid Battery Pack which uses a combination of ABEE’s solid state cells paired with ultra-capacitors.
The all-electric powertrain will feature 4 motors with a total peak power of 1.5 MW (2,040 HP) allowing the fulminea to accelerate from 0 to 320 km/h (0 to 200 mp/h) in under 10 seconds. With its hybrid battery pack of 100 kWh, the expected WLTP range will be of 520 km (323 miles).
Thanks to the innovative solid-state cells, the high-performance hybrid battery (with cell to pack technology) will reach an unprecedented energy density of 450 Wh/kg (1,200 Wh/l) with a predicted weight under 300 kg (661 lb) and a total curb weight of Fulminea of 1,500 kg (3,307 lb).